Shipping and Delivery
Advanced Time Pte Ltd uses the best carriers in the business to make sure your order gets to you on time.
Find or Reset Password
If you forgot your password, you can easily recover or reset it using the by clicking the member login button. For security reasons, we cannot reset your password for you. To protect yourself against unauthorized purchases to your credit card, do not give out your password to anyone.
Note: If you attempt to sign in to the Advanced Time Online Store numerous times with the wrong password, you will see the following error: "This User ID has been disabled for security reasons." To reset your account, please call us at 68050214.
Manage Your Account
It's easy to change your Login ID, password, or default shipping and payment information. Login to view and edit your account information. Please note that you will not be able to change your credit card information if you have Express Checkout turned on.
Any changes that you make will only apply to future orders. To make changes to current orders, please call us at 68050214.
Privacy Policy
Advanced Time Pte Ltd is committed to protecting your private information. Read